Oh Yeah

MTH 3300 - Algorithms, Computers, and Programming I (Spring 2025)

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide undergraduate students with a solid foundation in programming using Python. Students will learn fundamental programming concepts, problem-solving skills, and practical application of Python in various domains.

Course Objectives

Course Outline

Module 1: Programming Basics and Python Environment

  1. Course Introduction
  1. Basic Syntax and Data Types
  1. Operators and Expressions

Module 2: Control Flow

  1. Conditional Statements
  1. Loops

Problem Set: Due 1 week after 2nd lecture

Module 3: Data Structures

  1. Lists
  1. Tuples and Sets
  1. Dictionaries

Problem Set: Due 1 week after 3rd lecture

Module 4: Functions

  1. Function Basics
  1. Advanced Function Concepts

Problem Set: Due 1 week after 2nd lecture

Module 5: File Handling and Exceptions

  1. File Input/Output
  1. Error Handling

Module 6: Object-Oriented Programming

  1. Introduction to OOP
  1. Advanced OOP Concepts

Problem Set: Due 1 week after 2nd lecture

Module 7: Modules and Packages

  1. Python Standard Library
  1. Package Management

Module 8: Applications in Software Engineering

  1. REST APIs
  1. Full-stack Python

Problem Set: Due 2 weeks after second lecture (Web Project)

Assessment and Grading